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What is Hashtag?

Hashtag is a link that is created by typing the hash sign and then a word or phrase, and it is used by Social Media users in order to categorize their content around a specific topic.

There are some rules that we need to follow when creating a Hashtag. For example, we do not use spaces, but we may use the lower dash if we want to separate the words that constitute our hashtag.

Using Hashtags in our posts is an effective way to help Social Media users find us more easily, and understand our content instantly.

This is a tremendous opportunity for companies that own Social Media accounts since it allows them to attract new, potential customers.

But how do you choose the right Hashtags to promote your Brand in an effective way?

At NetPlanet, we own a specialized Social Media Management department that is able to support effectively your business' presence in Social Media.

Do you want more? www.netplanet.gr

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